Mountain Water Decaf

from £7.15 every 2 weeks

One of our DARK&DELICIOUS roasts

Team ohco says:

This decaf come from Descamex, which uses pure water from Pico de Orizaba—the highest mountain in Mexico. It’s a complex process, but basically the extraction uses a water-based saturated solution that removes caffeine while whilst keeping the coffee's flavour compounds in place. This means you get a great, balanced coffee, rich but with a little cut-through. We’re super-excited to have a decaf that doesn’t shortchange you on taste or complexity.


Coffee Crib Sheet





You’ll find:

Chocolate, Citrus, Grape, Pistachio

The Producer

This coffee comes from smallholder producers who deliver to the San Cristobal de las Casas and Yajalón buying stations in northern Chiapas, to the east and northeast of Tuxla Gutiérrez. The growing area, which runs between altitudes of 900 and 1,100 meters, is characterized by large bean sizes and a round, balanced cup with a smooth body.