OHCO Colombia Excelso Organic

from £7.15 every 2 weeks

One of our DARK&DELICIOUS roasts

Team ohco says:

Smoother than a biro on a banana, we can tuck into this anytime. It’s secret though, is a little acidity, so it still has plenty of character and is never dull, no matter how many pots you put on during your day.

A great allrounder perfect black or with milk, we love this as a flat white it gives a smooth chocolaty taste.


Coffee Crib Sheet





You’ll find:

Walnut, Caramel, Cocoa, Vanilla

The Producer

The ASOBRIS producer association (or, Asociacion de Productores Agricolas Ecologicos y Pecuarios Brisas del Quebradon) reaches 25 villages in the municipality of Planadas, at the foot of the snow-peaked Nevado del Huila, the highest volcano in Colombia.

The association incorporated in 2013 and currently has 42 members. It’s an excited and conscientious group of producers who came together with the goal of finding new markets for their coffees and creating strategic alliances to improve social conditions for their members and communities. Further, they strive to increase their productivity and competitiveness through good agricultural practices and to implement and develop projects with sustainable approaches.

The cooperative is certified Fairtrade and Organic. (Check with your trader whether the coffee you'd like to purchase is being sold as one or both.)

Association members cultivate Caturra, Colombia, Típica and Castillo between 1,500- 1,800 masl. For this Excelso EP, after the harvest, cherries are pulped in a machine pulper and fermented for 18 to 24 hours. Then, beans are washed, wet milled and dried on patios for approximately 15 days. Finally, the beans are dried for a short time in a mechanical dryer, to ensure consistency.